Minor fixes
Minor fixes
Minor fixes
Minor fixes
Now, you can study with course questions in a targeted way. There's also news about payments and some other improvements. Happy studying and on your way to approval!
We updated the app with performance improvements and bug fixes so that you can start the year with everything, focusing on your studies and achieving your goals with even more ease.
We updated the app with performance improvements and bug fixes so that you can start the year with everything, focusing on your studies and achieving your goals with even more ease.
Minor fixes
Now, you can test your knowledge with simulations in the app! Study and prepare for the test from anywhere.
Minor fixes
Small fixes
Minor fixes
Minor corrections
Minor fixes
Minor fixes
Minor corrections
Minor fixes
You can now access courses through the app. Take advantage of this new option to study. Happy studying!
In this version, we made some improvements and fixed minor issues
In this version, we made some improvements and fixed small issues.
Improvements to questions, a brand new widget and system updates
In this version, we made some improvements and fixed small issues.
In this version, we made some improvements and fixed small issues.
In this version, we made some improvements and fixed small issues.
We fixed an issue with duplicating study goals. Update the app and enjoy your studies ?✨
In this version, we made some improvements and fixed small issues.
Small fixes and improvements to the study streak
Small corrections
Small fixes
Small corrections
Small corrections
Small corrections
Minor corrections
Small corrections
Minor corrections
Small corrections
We made some corrections to the app. Oh, and vote for Qconcursos in the Reclame Aqui Awards. Happy studying!
Small corrections
Minor fixes
Small corrections
Now you can download filters with many questions and continue studying in the meantime. Good studies!
Small fixes
Small corrections
We've made some improvements for you to have a better experience with our notifications.
Now it is even more practical to follow news of public tenders. In the palm of your hand you can check the news of contests in Brazil and receive personalized notifications of your interest. Update the QC App and get informed with us
We've made some fixes to notebooks to improve your experience. Upgrade your version and start studying today.
We've made some fixes to improve your experience on our App. Update now to keep studying!
We've made a fix to improve your experience with getting started with the App. Enjoy and start studying today.
Small corrections "We make digital more human" and that's why we launched a new version full of news. Fixes and Improvements * Multi-language * Targeting Android 12
melhorias de layout
Dúvidas ou sugestões?
Mande um e-mail pra gente: app@qcx.com.br
• Pequenas melhorias
Dúvidas ou sugestões?
Mande um e-mail pra gente: app@qcx.com.br
Pequenos ajustes
Dúvidas ou sugestões?
Mande um e-mail pra gente: app@qcx.com.br
Melhorias em questões que não eram exibidas corretamente
Adicionamos um novo filtro que vocês pediram: Leis
Adicionamos a possibilidade de gerar cadernos a partir de seus filtros salvos
Adicionamos uma opção para você copiar o código dos seus cadernos
Dúvidas, sugestões, elogios?
Mande um e-mail pra gente: app@grupoq.io